My Journey to Mystic Rose Healing: An Artist's Path to Enlightenment

My story is one of creativity, challenge, and transformation, much like the intricate paths of the Unalome symbol—a journey through chaos, learning, and enlightenment. I am Alessandria Rosa, the heart and soul behind Mystic Rose Healing, a sanctuary I created to merge the healing arts, artistic expression, and digital innovation. This space is my testament to the power of art in personal growth and healing, and it reflects the profound stages of my journey.

The Spiral: The Chaos of Beginning

My journey began in the spiral, amidst the chaos and beauty of youth. I was born into a very dysfunctional and abusive family. From the age of sixteen, I've navigated the complexities of becoming who I am today. Balancing education and full-time work, I journeyed through community college while in high school and later earned my Bachelor of Arts at Western Washington University with a double major in Studio Art and Graphic Design. These early years, filled with twists and turns, taught me resilience and revealed the inherent beauty in creation, laying the foundation for my path ahead.

A representation of how life felt during this time.

The Swirl: Transformation Through Art

The swirls following the initial spiral of the Unalome represent transformation—a journey from struggle to growth. My art has been the catalyst for this transformation, serving as a conduit for emotional expression and personal healing. Through intuitive creation with paint, ink, and found objects, I've explored themes of trauma, presence, and connection to the divine. Each piece is a fragment of my story, aiming to resonate with others and offer a bridge from darkness to light.

The Current Transformation: A Leap Across Continents & back

My artistic journey has recently taken a significant leap forward, leading me to Northern Ireland to pursue a Master's in Art Management at Queen's University of Belfast. This step was a pivotal transformation in my life, offering me the tools to transition from corporate America to fully realize Mystic Rose Healing. This academic pursuit is not just about gaining knowledge; it's about equipping myself with the skills needed to foster a community where creativity and healing flourish away from the constraints of a corporate environment.

The Dots: The Enlightenment of Mystic Rose Healing

Mystic Rose Healing represents the dots at the end of the Unalome, symbolizing enlightenment and the convergence of my journey's paths. It embodies my belief in the healing power of art, energy healing, and my commitment to offering a sanctuary for exploration and expression. Here, virtual healing sessions, artistic workshops, and a supportive community provide a space for individuals to embark on their paths of personal growth and creative discovery.

Walking the Unalome Together

My journey, from the spiraling chaos of youth through transformative growth and across continents for academic enrichment to the creation of Mystic Rose Healing, is a testament to the power of art in navigating life's complexities. Mystic Rose Healing is more than a destination; it's a journey we embark on together, guided by creativity and a shared desire for creativity in our own transformation and growth. As I continue to evolve and learn, I invite you to join me in this ever-expanding community of healing and artistic exploration. Together, let's illuminate our paths and craft our souls' narratives in the sanctuary of Mystic Rose Healing.


Exercise 1: Practicing with the Unalome